Friday, 14 November 2014


Our school is heavily invested in the movement of Thinking Skills. We have just been accredited as the first school in South Africa by the University of Exeter. It's kind of amazing. I really like it. It allows me to do cool things and I am constantly pulling out the "but it's for thinking skills" card.

But really, it such a cool way of teaching and I am incredibly grateful that I was able to take this on so early in my career. As part of making it authentic in in our school environment I held a photo competition. It was called LOOK UP. We wanted the girls to look at our school from a different perspective and to start looking up and noticing their surroundings. I launched it at THIS ASSEMBLY (still have no clue how I made it link, but I did, woo!)

We encouraged them to use iPads or iPhones, mostly for the use of filters and emailing purposes. We didn't limit the amount of filters they could use. You can see that many took the filter thing too far. Unfortunately filtering is a life skill you have to figure out for yourself. Some never will. 

^^ Montage of the entrants 
We were blown away by some of the entrants. You must remember this is primary school level and our 3rd place winner is 8 years old! 

^^ 1st                                                           ^^2nd                                                         ^^3rd   

Tons of fun. Super easy to execute. A nice school spirit building activity. 

Happy apping! (we back on the happy again) 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Today went something a little like this...

^^ A look my class knows well .

It is so darn frustrating when working with little people who don't have emails. Getting stuff off iPads can be draining and when you use apps that aren't exactly educational and are really more "social", well thats when all the feels come out, quietly, hiding behind your laptop screen, hoping little ears don't hear/see the many choice curse words directed towards technology in general. 

Alas, we forge on. Hoping for the best, never being mentally prepared for the worst. 

Apping (no happy today)