Friday 1 August 2014


Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of Apple. His and hers MacBooks, ipods, ipads, iphones, Apple TV, Apple stickers on our cars (ok not that bad). Let's just say that my life would be vastly different without Apple.

But sometimes I feel that South Africa is not ready for such greatness. Our connectivity to everything causes endless woes in my life. My lack of understanding of certain apps makes me ugly cry in my stock room. My inability to think things through logically, because thats the way I am, frustrates me to no end.

So when on Tuesday 11:00 rolled around and this ever enthusiastic and slightly over confident teacher announced to her class the "grand plan" and the "grand plan" didn't work. This is what happened:

Maybe it was a combination of many late nights due to play practice. Report stress. 8 year olds not listening for roughly 5 hours of of the 5 and a half that I have with them. But it got ugly. First, said App (that I will let you know all about soon) would not function. 25 girls standing around, looking like fools, whining, fighting, making me sad. So next plan. Mathletics. No internet connectivity. Next plan. Reading App: locked. Next plan: Einstein cubes: all levels completed, no reseting.  

By now the patience that I dont really have anyway was now gone. 

Lots of angry words. 

Lots of hate towards ipads. 

We then moved on to "sand art". Possibly the most un-educational App available to mankind. 

I sat in my own self pity threatening the lives of any child and ipad that came near my desk. I eventually made the mature decision to let it go and not write an angry post before at least 24 hours had past by. Lets hope that this little episode has added to my ipad growth. 

Happy apping!